Financing and Sustaining High Quality Preschool Programs Peer Exchange

Pre-meeting webinar

In-person meeting

An in-person peer exchange took place August 9-10, 2016 in Boston, MA. Teams from Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Tennessee attended. During the meeting, participants:

  1. Shared approaches to determining adequacy of funding, including “true” costs of preschool quality and how states allocate funds.
  2. Learned about best practices and approaches to ensuring funds are used efficiently, including blending and braiding funds to serve all children.
  3. Gained a deeper understanding of how to develop a strategic financing plan that results in equitable access to high quality preschool programs.
  4. Built stronger relationships and sharing among states to support continuous improvement of state-funded prekindergarten programs.


Meeting MaterialsFinance ResourcesState ResourcesNIEER ProfilesSalary Parity Profiles
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