
The BUILD-CEELO Learning Table on Teaching and Learning was designed to address the following questions: 1) What are the consistent supports and sensible accountability systems needed to drive teaching quality that will result in improved outcomes for children? and 2) What guidance, advice or best practice can we give to states about the “powerful and few” core state policies that improve teaching quality and result in significant outcomes for children?

A Learning Table to Improve State Early Childhood Teaching and Learning Policy: Reflections and Recommendations After Three Years of Implementation summarizes the activities, processes and outcomes resulting from this intensive technical assistance project. Both the BUILD Initiative and CEELO shared a mission to help policymakers create more effective state early learning systems. Read our Q&A blog on the paper.

Sharpening the Focus: State Policy to Promote Effective Teaching that Improves Learning This policy brief resulted from the Think Tank conducted by CEELO and BUILD.  The paper encourages state policymakers and their partners to critically review professional development and accountability policies, offers guidance on policy implementation, and makes recommendations for the “powerful and few” core state policies that can improve teaching and learning for all young children.

Enhancing Teaching Conditions to Support Quality Teaching: Discussion Guide and Crosswalk resulting from the first two cohort processes, reviews available tools that assess teaching conditions and poses policy and systems questions to assist leaders to craft the most effective policy-to-practice supports in this area.

The resources and products of this project are supported by BUILD and CEELO’s participation as National Partners in the Alliance for Early Success.  In addition to the documents highlighted above, you can review all of the meeting and webinar materials by exploring the tabs below:

ThinkTankLearning Table Cohort 1Learning Table Cohort 2Learning Table Cohort 3

Think Tank on State Policy to Promote Effective Teaching and Learning

The BUILD Initiative and the Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes convened a one day, “think tank” on state policy to promote effective teaching and learning on October 14, 2014 in Seattle, WA. The purpose of the meeting was to begin a conversation with selected state leaders and national experts to identify the central questions, key research, and best practices that assist states in implementing high quality programs, supporting effective teaching, and, most importantly, improving learning outcomes for young children.

Cohort 2 of the BUILD – CEELO Learning Table

In 2016, CEELO and BUILD provided technical assistance to 12 states teams in a State Learning Table that promoted peer exchange and best practice to align and enhance state policy that improves the quality of teaching.  State teams gathered with experts and facilitators in a 1.5-day face-to-face meeting in March 2016.  The Learning Table provided 8 follow-on webinars from April through August, 2016 on topics related to instructional tools and career pathways.  Each state had the support of a TA lead and is developing a strategic plan to meet their goals

All resources, materials, and webinar slides for Cohort 2 are available here.  Or see below:

Sharpening the Focus: Helping Fine-Tune Policies and Practices to Promote Effective Teaching and Learning in the Early Years explores what supports and systems are needed to drive teaching quality that will result in improved outcomes for children and the “powerful and few” core policies are needed to improve teaching quality and result in significant outcomes for children. CEELO’s Jana Martella and Kate Tarrant (BUILD Initiative) presented on June 7th, 2016 at the 2016 NAEYC PDI Conference in Baltimore, MD.

Cohort 3 of the BUILD – CEELO Learning Table

Cohort 3 of the Learning Table was made available to three state teams participating in Cohorts 1 & 2 (MA, MS, NE).  In addition to the state planning,  webinar supports, and the face-to-face meeting, each hosted an in state meeting with their TA providers.

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