
Early Childhood and Family Education Oklahoma State Profile, NIEER State of Preschool 2017 Oklahoma State Profile, NIEER State of Head Start 2014 OklahomaΒ State Profile, NIEER 15 Essential Elements for High-Quality…

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5 Continuous Improvement

Leaders know that perfection is unattainable but it should not be a deterrent to continuously improve program effectiveness and results. The business sector has used continuous quality improvement (CQI) for…

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3 Communication

Improving early education requires coordinated involvement among many different people, and clear, effective communication is the most fundamental skill Β an early education leader can possess when engaging others. Communication is…

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Leadership Self Assessment

The CEELO Leadership Self-Assessment is designed for early education professionals to assess their current knowledge, skills and beliefs related to individual and collective Leadership, and to maximize resources and activities…

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2 Results Based Leadership

Developing a Theory of Change Heeding Steven Covey’s words to β€œBegin with the end in mind,” effective leaders and organizations have a clear purpose which guides all systemic planning and…

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