4 Interpersonal Skills

RELATIONSHIP BUILDING Relationships are key in early childhood education. Relationships abound whether they involve teacher and child, teacher and parent, director and teacher, state administrator and policymakers, or collegial relationships…

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September 22, 2014 E-Newsletter

Topics covered: CEELO Advsiory Board, leadership, leadership academy, early childhood indicators, Indistarยฎ, early learning standards, research-based curriculum models, implementing a birth through 3rd grade approach, using child-level data to improve…

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April 10, 2014 E-Newsletter

Topics covered: TA on assessment appraisal rubric, embed program quality standards, develop pre-K accountability measures, evaluation framework, comprehensive assessment system, revising standards, CEELO launched state info pages, expanding access to…

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Roundtable Reflections 2014

This paper provides broad highlights from Roundtable sessions and lists resources identified by participants. The 2014 theme centered on improving the quality of teaching birth through grade three.

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