Using Data-Driven Indicators to Improve Outcomes for Young Learners

The Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO) is proud to partner with New America on this blog series highlighting early learning opportunities and challenges under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). In this week’s post, Rolf Grafwallner describes indicator work CCSSO and CEELO have done in partnership over the course of the last year. The early years of child development offer a still-untapped lever for states to address…

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Takeaways from New America and CEELO Blog Series on Early Learning and ESSA

The Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO) is proud to partner with New America on this blog series highlighting early learning opportunities and challenges under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). In this week’s post, Laura Bornfruend and Lori Connors-Tadros reflect on learnings from this blog series. September 18, 2017 is the final deadline for states to submit Every Student Succeeds Act plans for federal Department of…

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