July 19, 2016

Why Understanding the Costs of Preschool Quality is Important: A Webinar for Preschool Development Grantee States presents and demonstrates the use of the Cost of Preschool Quality Tool (CPQ) by the Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes, an Excel based model that can be used at the state or district level to estimate the cost of expanding high quality preschool for 3 and 4 year olds

Viewers of the webinar slides/recording will:

  • See a demonstration of the CPQ, which can calculate data to estimate the costs:
    • For an existing program to be expanded within its current standards
    • To raise standards (e.g., teacher degree or compensation) to serve more children at higher quality
    • For mixed deliver models, or geographic regions, or diverse mix of children
    • To estimate how much is needed to sustain program after time limited federal funds end
    • To customize it to your state or district needs
  • Hear from staff in Indiana that have used the tool to estimate costs of providing high quality preschool to 3 and 4 year olds in a mix of delivery settings in urban and rural areas of the state.
  • Learn from discussion among colleagues who attended the webinar on implications for how states:
    • Calculate preschool program costs and allocations
    • Monitor sub-grantee budgets for adequacy and equity
    • Plan for sustain programs once PDG funding ends.

The Webinar slides and recording will be of most interest to Preschool Development Grant administrators and staff; and policy and fiscal colleagues that have oversight for state funding for any preschool program in your state.

Presenters included:

    • Lori Connors Tadros, CEELO Project Director (NIEER)
    • George Rickus, Third Sector Intelligence
    • Amanda Zimmerman, Early Learning Indiana

Materials and Resources:

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