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Pre-conference Webinar – Early Learning Opportunities in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)


This webinar, recorded on April 26, 2018, provides an overview of the early learning opportunities in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) focusing on the lessons from the CEELO-CCSSO policy brief reviewing plans approved by USED, The State of Early Learning in ESSA: Plans and Opportunities for Implementation. Presenters focused on three key priorities for early learning in ESSA: 1) setting clear goals and policy priorities for early learning; 2) integrating early learning into school improvement; and, 3) supporting early childhood educator development.


  • Rolf Grafwallner, CCSSO’s Program Director of Early Childhood Education, moderator
  • Kimberly Krzanowski-Executive Director of the Office of Early Learning at the Delaware Department of Education
  • Cindy Koss-Deputy Superintendent for Academic Affairs and Planning and Sharon Morgan-Director of Early Childhood, both at the Oklahoma State Department of Education
  • Elizabeth Alves-Assistant Commissioner for Early Learning and Literacy at the Tennessee Department of Education


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