Professional Learning Communities to Build Local Leadership Capacity: Participants will hear from Vincent Costanza (NJ) and Sally Richardson (KY) and their colleagues about two models of professional learning communities they are implementing in their states to build LEA or other local organizational leadership. Vincent and a district representative will discuss the lessons learned from the second year of implementing the New Jersey Early Childhood Academy. Sally and her colleague will share the lessons learned from implementing the Kentucky Early Learning Leaders Network. They will share their rationale for creating their programs, how the programs are funded, who participates, the goals and outcomes of the initiatives, and other key information. Hurdles and lessons learned will also be communicated. Participants will have ample time to ask questions of the presenters and will work as a team to create a plan for implementation of such a program in their state. Follow-up will include problem-solving implementation issues that arise, sharing successes, and adding to the collection of models of implementation of professional learning between SEAs and LEAs or other local grantees. Participants will attend a one day in person meeting on December 8, 2015 in Washington, DC. Follow up technical assistance including webinars and individual TA in January 2016.