The CEELO Leadership Self-Assessment is designed for early education professionals to assess their current knowledge, skills and beliefs related to individual and collective Leadership, and to maximize resources and activities found in the CEELO Leadership Toolkit. The tool is a checklist of important topics with space provided to make notes about your key goals for new learning. Review each topic and rate your level of proficiency. It is recommended that you begin by completing the Self-Assessment to familiarize  yourself with and reflect on key areas deemed useful for early education leaders to possess.

Based on your completed Self-Assessment and identified next steps and actions for improvement, refer to the corresponding section of the CEELO Leadership Toolkit below. You may wish to start with the section identified in your self-assessment for new growth or target skills to achieve greater expertise. Use the tool for professional growth, periodic reflection, re-charting your course as a leader, or serving as a catalyst for conversations with your mentors, coaches, or colleagues. There is no incorrect way to apply this Self-Assessment for catapulting your thinking about leading in a learning organization.

Did you attend the CDA Leadership Institute?  DOWNLOAD THE SLIDES HERE.


BOTH | AND – Leadership can be viewed on two levels: Individual and Collective

Leadership can be viewed on two levels – Individual and Collective. Individual Leadership consists of attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors possessed by a person identified as a leader, someone others will trust and follow. Collective Leadership is more group-oriented, capitalizing on the collective attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors of members to engage in improving a condition.

Sustained improvement relies on both individual and collective engagement and ownership by stakeholders. Strategies for developing and supporting leadership on these two levels are different yet complementary. Start exploring the levels below.


Individual Leadership   consists of attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors possessed by a person identified as a leader, someone others will trust and follow.



Collective Leadership   is more group-oriented, capitalizing on the collective attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors of members to engage in improving a condition.


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