Our Team

W. Steven BarnettDirector of NIEER Envelope As Principal Investigator, W. Steven Barnett has the ultimate leadership and oversight role for the operation of CEELO. He calls on his expansive knowledge…

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The National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) conducts and communicates research to support high-quality, effective early childhood education for all young children. Such education enhances their physical, cognitive, and…

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Advisory Board

The establishment of a national advisory board is required by the Comprehensive Centers’ authorizing legislation. The following national leaders were approved by the Council of Chief State School Officers and…

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Home Draft

CEELO Fostering sustainable change in state policy and practice for children birth to third grade Our Projects Β  CPQ&R Calculator Helping users determine costs related to implementing high-quality preschool programs.…

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Practice Areas

Our projects focus on these major goals:Increasing the capacity of SEAs to lead sustained improvements in early learning policy, Birth-3rd Grade.Increasing leadership and organizational capacity to implement effective programs and…

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Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes Fostering sustainable change in state policy and practice for children birth to third grade Innovating to improve children's futures Promoting cradle to college and…

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P-3 Alignment Projects

Since its beginnings, CEELO has been charged with helping states strengthen the alignment of birth through 3rd grade educational policies and increase the coordination of resources and policies across statewide…

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