CEELO is partnering with New America on a blog series focused on how states have implemented early childhood policies and programs in their Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plans. The series, kicking off in September, will assess progress one-year into ESSA in five areas: school quality indicators, school improvement, data and transparency, educator support and family engagement and transitions.

State, national and local education leaders are invited to share blogs discussing ESSA implementation, emerging obstacles and solutions, and early success. If you are interested, please contact Jana Martella at CEELO or Laura Bornfreund at New America.

Interested in writing for the Early Ed in ESSA Blog?  Download and send us this fill-able form .

This major federal education law provides both significant flexibility and opportunity to state and local education agencies. While early childhood education (ECE) has always been recognized by federal education law, ESSA “provides an open door for states to expand early learning opportunities.” (Unlocking ESSA’s Potential to Support Early Learning)

Here you can find blogs by early childhood education scholars and researchers exploring key issues raised by ESSA and its implementation. Our goal is to inform educators and policymakers, as well as spark conversations about how best to enable every child to succeed under ESSA. We recommend accessing our Early Learning and ESSA page to find relevant and timely resources. Please share your feedback and ideas.


The Leading Edge of Local System-Building: ESSA and Continuity Across the First Decade of Children’s Lives

July 30, 2019

In this week’s post, author David Jacobson suggests how local system-building efforts serve as models and provide direction to states as they implement their ESSA plans. David’s post draws on his recent study, All Children Learn and Thrive: Building First 10 Schools and Communities. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides an opening for states, […] Read more

How Louisiana Uses Early Childhood Performance Ratings to Fuel Site Improvement

July 9, 2019
Nasha Patel cites how the Louisiana School and Center Finder connects to ESSA – it is a first-of-its-kind online reporting system that provides a detailed look at accountability metrics spanning birth through grade 12 […] Read more

Head Start Programs and Local Education Agencies Partner to Support Smooth and Effective Transitions for DC’s Youngest Learners

June 25, 2019

Improving coordination between early childhood programs and elementary schools can help improve student outcomes in K-12 and beyond. The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) requires local education agencies (LEAs) receiving Title I funding to sign a written agreement coordinating with Head Start programs, and other early childhood programs if feasible […] Read more

Connecticut’s Approach to Early Childhood ESSA Supports

June 11, 2019

The state’s ESSA plan focuses on strengthening the pre-K to grade 12 continuum to give children a stronger foundation for lifelong success Research shows that achievement gaps begin early in life and, without intervention, may widen over time. Focusing educational opportunities and resources on young children and their families is a key strategy to reducing […] Read more

ESSA and Early Learning: A Look at State and Local Implementation

May 27, 2019

Over the next few months, New America and the Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO) are pleased to rekindle a focus on the early learning opportunities in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) with periodic blog posts. With the passage of ESSA in 2015 came new opportunities for states and school districts to expand […] Read more

Using Data-Driven Indicators to Improve Outcomes for Young Learners

September 25, 2017
The Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO) is proud to partner with New America on this blog series highlighting early learning opportunities and challenges under the Every Student Succeeds…
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Social and Emotional Learning Under ESSA

August 1, 2017
The Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO) is proud to partner with New America on this blog series highlighting early learning opportunities and challenges under the Every Student Succeeds…
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