Presented by the Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO) , the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP), and the National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education (NAECS-SDE).
The evolving role of today’s elementary principal offers an unprecedented opportunity to provide leadership to pre-K – 3rd grade learning communities, often extending beyond school walls to work with diverse community partners. Yet most principals have little training in effective early childhood instruction and pedagogy; and there are few resources that provide clear guidance to principals in this critical role. NAESP’s recently released, “Leading Pre-K-3 Learning Communities: Competencies for Effective Practice” offers principals, teachers, family members, and others best practices, relevant resources, and indicators to guide new efforts to align early care and education with early elementary grades.
This webinar, held March 2nd, 2015, addressed ways to:
- Enhance SEA and LEA leadership capacity for building P – 3rd grade communities.
- Cultivate standards of effective practice for P – 3rd grade principals and related leaders.
- Develop practical implementation strategies as described by an elementary school principal and state early education leader.
- Consider implications for state and local policy makers, technical assistance and professional development providers, and higher education.
Additional Resources:
- CEELO Fast Fact: Preparing Principals to Support Early Childhood Teachers
- NAESP Leading Learning Communities: Executive Summary