Our online library offers CEELO resources to help you implement best practices and enhance child outcomes. Search by title, content area or publication type for a list of materials, then simply click the link(s). To simplify your search, please note these content area definitions:

  • Assessment—resources addressing early childhood comprehensive assessment systems.
  • Birth through Third Grade Alignment—resources focused on strengthening alignment of birth through third grade educational policies and systems.
  • Child Outcomes—resources highlighting research about and approaches to improving child outcomes through high-quality early learning programs.
  • Data–resources on use of assessment data and other evidence to improve program quality.
  • ESSA – materials that address early learning and implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) federal elementary and secondary education law.
  • Systems–information about coordinating resources and policies across statewide systems
  • Workforce–resources related to the early learning workforce, including teacher evaluation.
  • Content Areas

  • Publication Type

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