This presentation examines the need for new approaches to leadership and initiatives currently underway throughout many RTT-ELC and PDG states and communities to cultivate effective, inspirational B – 3rd leaders, often with the support of national partners. As State birth to third grade (B – 3rd) early development and learning systems evolve, leadership has become ever more critical. The shift from accountability and compliance to leadership for innovation and excellence places new demands on community, state, and federal systems and organizations which recognize that many existing structures, approaches and tools are not always suited to fostering and supporting new leaders. CEELO staff were joined by Leadership Academy Cohort 2 Fellows Tracye Strichik (AL), Bryan Stokes (IL) and Tracy Jost (MD) during this session at the 2016 Preschool Development Grantees and Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Grantees Annual Meeting November 18, 2016 in Arlington, Virginia.

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