We have assembled responses to the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) about using the Cost of Preschool Quality and Revenue (CPQ&R).  Please review this document and the related resources on the website.  Feel free to contact us if you have additional questions.  

Click on a topic below to find answers to your questions:

Getting Started Using the CPQ&R


During the first step, default inputs can be assigned into one of three categories:

  1. those for which data and sources are readily available,
  2. those for which the data is not available, but the defaults are deemed reasonable,
  3. and the remaining inputs, i.e., those for which the user believes additional research is merited.

After classifying the inputs in this way and reviewing the category assignments with stakeholders and your team, the focus shifts to the third category and the assumptions therein can be prioritized for further investigation.

In the second step, a more thorough review can take place focusing on the validity/sensitivity of this third category of input assumptions. If updates are made, then the results may be more aligned with stakeholder expectations.

One state’s experience was 98 hours over 3 months, which is equivalent to approximately 1 day per week for 3 months (20% of one Full-Time Equivalent). The hours were broken down as shown below:

  1. What if I am uncertain about what slot numbers to use in future years?

If you are uncertain about the exact volumes to apply in future years, then any slot volume can be entered temporarily to observe the effect of changing subsequent default input assumptions, and you can then finalize your slot plan at a later time.


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