CEELO Regional Comprehensive Center (RCC) Early Education CONNECTIONS is a quarterly forum that provides a facilitated discussion between Regional Comprehensive Centers to share and learn about developments in early education from colleagues.

Upcoming events will be shared on this page. Stay tuned for information about the next CEELO Connections Event.

See the Comprehensive Center page on the CEELO website for information and the name of the CEELO liaison for each Comprehensive Center.

For additional information on Connections Events, contact Jim Squires at jsquires@nieer.org.


September 19, 2016 – Chris Dwyer (Mid-Atlantic Regional Comprehensive Center) joined CEELO staff to discuss implications of ESSA and opportunities for early learning, SEA roles and responsibilities, state needs, and coordinating communication for technical assistance to states.

March 2, 2016 – This session discussed the roles of Regional Education Labs (RELs), Regional Comprehensive Centers (RCCs) and Content Centers (CEELO) to build and support SEA capacity for effective high-quality early childhood education. Guest speakers include: Fiona Helsel (NW REL), Donna Richardson (Center and South Center Comp Centers), and Diane Schilder (CEELO Content Center).

October 22, 2015 –  Ramona Chauvin, Sr. TA Consultant for the Texas Comprehensive Center/AIR, and CEELO’s Melissa Dahlin and Diane Schilder facilitated a focused discussion on the collaborative role Regional Centers and CEELO are playing in supporting SEAs. They shared collaborative technical assistance around family engagement that was provided to the Texas Education Agency by the Texas Comprehensive Center and CEELO.

March 09, 2015 – This session featured information from the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders on ensuring equitable access to excellent early childhood educators. CEELO shared information on the Preschool Development Grant.

December 08, 2014 – This session explored communities of practice in a TA context and shared the experience of one regional center, the Southeast Regional Comprehensive Center (RCC). Kat Theodore (Southeast RCC) shared her experience with the Southeast Regional Early Childhood Community of Practice.

September 15, 2014 – This session shared what CEELO learned about early childhood trends in states during the center’s second year. Sarah Hughes (Northeast Regional Comprehensive Center) shared information on regional and state activities in the Northeast in addition to reflections and lessons learned.

February 02, 2014 – This session focused on birth through third grad in context as a national issue for state education agencies. Three speakers shared their experiences and reflections from their engagement in activities with states – Tom Schultz (CEELO/CCSSO), Corinne Eisenhart (Mid-Atlantic RCC), and Sue Mutchler (North Central RCC).

November 25, 2013 – This session shared state needs identified from TA CEELO provided to states in Year 1, state examples from TA, and discussed collaboration opportunities. It shared findings from a survey of Regional Comprehensive Center staff that focused on birth through third grade needs.


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